
A hundred year old tree

61 x 84 cm 2011
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7 条评论:

Jose Sanchez 说...

Maravillosa obra.
Enhorabuena y un saludo afectuoso.

水彩画室 说...

Jose Sanchez, thank you. But what do you mean?

Montse 说...

Gran trabajo.

El arbol está maravillosamente pintado.

Un saludo desde Bilbao.

Montse 说...

Great job!.

The tree is beautifully painted.

Greetings from Bilbao.

cindyq 说...


水彩画室 说...

Thank you Montse. Now a days. Hard to see a big tree about 100 yrs old, the beauty is that this big tree is in the town.

水彩画室 说...

Cindy, 好料早己放 FB 了.